Thursday, October 10, 2013

Miss Mary!

When my doctor told me that I was going to have to come in twice a week for a NST (non stress test) I wasn't thrilled. But if its the best for Baby E then I will do anything. So every Monday and Thursday at 11:30 I head to the doctor. But knowing I'm going to see Miss Mary makes it much easier. Her and I connected from day 1. She is the loving motherly type. She hooks my belly up to monitor Baby E's heart's supposed to increase at least 2 times in a 20 minute cycle. Each time a baby moves his heart rate increases. So really they are looking to see if Baby E is moving enough. My child moves 10-13 times in a 20 minute cycle. So basically he is a wild child. They also hook my belly up to see if I'm having any contractions. So once she hooks you up you pretty much just sit there for 20 minutes and wait. So Miss Mary and I have plenty of talking time. Our conversations range from Baby E, DH, step daughters, school, being on bed rest. So basically we mostly talk about me and how I'm feeling. However, today I actually got her to tell me some things about her. She grew up a military brat who moved all over, her dad was an officer so they lived in pretty nice housing except she was describing the details; tiny apartment, 1 room for the 3 girls, brother slept in the wash room, etc... you could just see the happiness on her face reflecting back to those moments as a young girl.  I was sad when the session was over because I could have listened to her go on and on. She takes a genuine interest in me and my life. It was nice to be a part of hers today.

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