Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bun in the Oven

So you know all those proud moms who take pictures of their growing bellys? Yeah, I'm not like that. Now, I feel very blessed to have God's child in my stomach. I'm so grateful to be pregnant. Despite what most people even think DH and I even "planned" for this baby. However, we thought it would take a few more months instead of just 1. But we are still thrilled none the less.
Now I don't know if its the swelling, acid reflux, or sweating but I don't feel very photogenic right now. I think I have taken a total of 5 pictures since finding out I was preggo.  Some women love being pregnant. And to those women I say, "good for you." I'm sitting right now with Baby E's body on my right side poking me in the ribs. Those same women probably say, "aww, my precious baby." But I'm not those women and I say, "child if you don't move over, there is nothing I can really do about it except complain." My DH would tell you that I do that a lot. I try to stay positive but being uncomfortable is not really my thing. My momma would say I have been like this since birth. In fact, I couldn't have a conversation in a hot car until the air conditioner was on and pointing at me. If I got too hungry I was a bear to be around. My socks had to be on my feet the exact right way or i would rip them off. So I guess you could say I don't handle being uncomfortable very well.

So to turn over a new leaf I'm going to post an adorable picture of my growing belly. And let me tell you, I look precious! Can you hear the sarcasm?

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