Saturday, October 19, 2013

14 days and flu shots

14 days...2 full weeks! Lately my blood pressure has been amazing! I have been feeling really good. However, on Wednesday they gave me the flu shot and the TDap vaccine.  Friday morning I started getting a mild headache. It is now Saturday afternoon and things have gone a little downhill. Instead of just the headache. I now have a headache, ear ache, and chills. I decided to google flu shot side effects...sure enough everything I have is a side effect of getting the vaccine. It's hard to complain because getting this shot protects baby E and I.  Man alive I'm so happy that this will only last a few days. Anything for my baby. 

I'm obsessed with babies right now. If I see a baby on a commercial, tv show, movie, etc. I have to stop and look at them. Well I found something to help control my obsession. I was on one of my five baby apps that I have on my phone. As I was scrolling through I noticed a newborn being held by his mother. Since I'm a baby fanatic of course I had to click on it. Turns out it was a birthing video. Since it was a baby website nothing is blurred. I did ok until the baby's shoulders had to come out, OMG! Let's just say my obsession with babies is still here but very much traumatized. Something I need to add to my birth plan. NO MIRRORS in the delivery room. 

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