Tuesday, January 21, 2014

We All Have That One Friend

Unfortunately, I am that friend! I thought that baby brain was supposed to go away as soon as you have the baby. In my case it has gotten worse. In the past 5 days I have...

*While taking my last drink of water, I lose the grip on the bottle and hurled it towards my lunch partner. Spilling water on my shirt and all over the table.

*You know how you have a flip lid on the to go coffee cups? If you tip it too far back the lid touches the bridge of your nose. Therefore, I walked around with coffee on my nose for most of the day. Until a sweet coworker told me. Did I mention she didn't tell me until after lunch. :)

*Trying to hook up my pumping contraption is easy but when you are in a time crunch it gets tricky. Before school starts I have less than 15 minutes to hook up, pump, cleanup and get my milk to the fridge. Well unless i want my kiddos to get an education on how mammals feed their young. To say its a rush is an understatement. This morning as I was trying to attach the tubing into the bottle I looked like an amateur juggler.  Bottles were flying!

The best for last...
*Teachers know that time at the copy machine is valuable.  We stand around it like a pack of wolves ready to devour a juicy piece of meat. This morning I headed into the office to fight for my turn at the machine. I saw the most glorious sight. Not a teacher in sight. No one to stand behind you and sigh. No one to ask if they could interrupt to make just 1 copy. No one to say, "Not to rush you but how many more do you have?"  I had a little skip in my step as I headed over to take my turn. Until...I tripped over something on the floor (I could have sworn there was something on the floor). I hit the machine with a big bear hug. I then slid down the machine like a bird hitting a window and sliding all the way down. I quick popped up before anyone saw me and that's when I realized my knee and ankle hurt. Darn it, i was hoping I to escape from injury. I was in pain but all I could do was laugh. Mainly because not one teacher saw me. Heard me? Yes. Saw me? No! Even though I had to walk with a limp...Me:1 Copy Machine:0

"Instead of thinking of yourself as a klutz. Think of yourself as a performance artist." Unknown


  1. Oh my! Too funny! (And the scary thing is--you weren't usually the clumsy one at our house!!)

  2. I just laughed so hard! Love and miss you, girl!
