Saturday, January 11, 2014

1st Week is a Wrap

We made it! On Monday I didn't think I would but I can now say I'm a working mom. After the first day, drop off got relatively easy and it just became routine. I love Baby E's babysitter. Every time i go to pick him up he is a happy boy. Miss Connie is amazing and here is why.... She sends pictures throughout the day, she loves baby E, she volunteered to keep him until the end of school, she does anything I ask (tummy time, reading, playing, etc.), my big boy loves her! 

Here are a few of Miss Connie's pictures she sent:

Baby E and I made it through the week virtually unscathed but I'm not sure the same can be said for Miss Connie and maybe even her husband. This is the text I received from Miss Connie's daughter.

Baby E we are supposed to be on our best behavior so we get asked back! I guess when a boys gotta go a boys gotta go. Thank you Miss Connie for taking such good care of my baby and acting like his blowouts are a piece of cake! We love you already.

1 comment:

  1. Have to admit that you had me at the thumb sucking picture! :) Oh, and Crazy Auntie Ree's quilt!!
