Wednesday, January 8, 2014

No Boys Allowed!

Since I'm a working, breast feeding mom I get to pump before school, during lunch, planning time, and at recess. So needless to say my Medela and I are best of friends. I might be getting a little too close to my breast pump. After a long day of frustrating pumping i heard my pump trying to cheer me up,  "It's fun. It's fun. It's fun. It's fun... " Thanks for the effort! Does that make me crazy that my pump is talking to me? 

This woman looks way too happy to be pumping at work. Rest assured this is not what I look like. 

My milk supply is good but im not very good at pumping so I have been trying lots of tricks. Relax, feet up, stare at a picture of Baby E, warm cloth, massage, comfy chair, etc... Nothing is working. It's not as easy as it looks. Who knew you could be bad at having milk squeezed from your body. I only get about 4 or 5 oz after each session.  If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments below. I'm willing to try pretty much anything. 


  1. It is hard to go 100 mph in the classroom--and then switch gears to pump. Hang in there. It will get easier. (I hope!)

  2. Where do I start?
    Try fenugreek, its a supplement that you can get at a health food store/vitamin shop. start with 1-2 tablets and you can work up from there or consult a lactation consultant about this.
    There are breastfeeding oatmeal cookies you can make.... I never tried them but other people swore by them.
    Are you drinking enough water? staying uber hydrated is important, as is caloric intake. For a boost, I tried Gatorade and saw some improvement.
    Speaking of calories, I always produced WAY more the morning after eating McDonalds for dinner.... we don't eat that very often, but the difference was so noticeable I took note.
    Bring one of his onesies that he's recently worn and lay it on your chest so you can smell him, look at pictures/video.... this helped me as well.
    Don't STRESS about it. I freaked about my supply and went nuts with things to do to produce more. In the end? I wound up throwing away bags of breastmilk after she'd hit a year and didn't want it anymore :/
    Hope some of this helps!
    -Cousin Meg
