Saturday, February 8, 2014


I love snow days:
*sleeping in
*getting things done around the house

Oh wait! That's before you have a child. Now snow days consist of:
*waking up early or whenever your baby "alarm" goes off
*helping your child tolerate tummy time
*trying to keep a schedule so your infant stays sane
*getting lots of smiles 

By the 3rd day I was ready to get back to work. I love my lil man but I like to be able to miss him. Baby E's sitter started missing him. I got a couple text from her saying she was sad that we had another snow day because she was wanting to see him. That just melts my heart. I'm glad she loves our baby so much. We know he is in good hands while we are busy at work. 

She text me a few pictures after finally returning to school.

I think he missed her too!! We love you Miss Connie!


  1. Can I just tell you it makes my heart HAPPY to see the little guy on that blanket!!! Hugs from his Auntie Ree EVERYTIME he lays on it!! Love you!

  2. We use that blanket at the sitters for right now because it has his name on it. They use it everyday. :) it's adorable. We love it. Thank you for making it for him.
