Thursday, February 6, 2014

I Have All the Answers

Ok, maybe not. But I have figured out one thing. If you ask for help In regards to raising a child you can find a positive and negative to every answer! It's really overwhelming for first time moms.

Let me just say I have an awesome baby. Very mild tempered, rarely cries, nurses like a champ, etc... I am very proactive. I want to know everything about my child before it happens. I don't like surprises. (Having a baby is one big surprise. Expect the unexpected.) I like to google, webmd, baby center, everything.

"Should I breastfeed?"
-yes, breast is best!
-no, it's too much work

"My baby hates his crib. What should I do?"
-let him sleep in his bouncer in the crib.
-it's too dangerous to let them sleep in a bouncer for too long. Keep trying the crib.

My latest search:
"How to get your baby to sleep through the night."
-let them cry it out
-never let them cry it out. Go in pick them up and when they stop crying put them back down, do this over and over until you are within an inch of your sanity. 

So I decided to throw it all out the window and do my own thing. I know my child better than anyone. So here is what I figured out through trial and error.

*swaddle-he is a wild man and wakes himself up with flying arms
*NO pacifier when he goes into the crib-he spits it out and then cries until it's back in his mouth
*formula right before bed-my little man drinks breast milk unless it's bedtime. Then he gets a bottle of leaves him full for longer
*cant be overly tired-he is unbearable if he gets too tired. 
*follow an evening routine:
5:00-5:20 nurse
5:20-6:00 play
6:30-7:00 nap
7:00-7:20 nurse
7:20-8:00 play
8:00-8:15 bath and then swaddle
8:15-8:30 daddy gives him a bottle, burps, and rocks
8:30-while he is still awake I lay him in his crib and turn on his fan and light up frog with music. Within 5 minutes he is sound asleep

We have been doing this routine everyday for a month. Now normally he wakes up sometime between 1:30-3:00 for another feeding. BUT last night Baby E slept until daddy's alarm went off at 5:00 (he sleeps in the side room off our master suite (it's definitely not as nice as it sounds...think pea green carpet and wood paneling) I fed him real quick and put him back in bed until 7:00. It was awesome. Except, I had a mild heart attack when I woke up at 4:45 realizing he hadn't woken up yet. But once I heard him breathing I did a happy dance.

Yay Baby E! I'm proud of you. 


  1. Such a good boy--with a great Mama, too!

  2. WAY TO GO Baby E.......YOU take after your Nana and LOVE your sleep! BUT IF you ever need to stay up at night be sure to come see me...I LOVE to stay up late!!! Hugs Auntie Ree
